Assembled vs. Stick Built Fence: Which is Better for Your Wood Fence Installation?

Assembled vs. Stick Built Fence: Which is Better for Your Wood Fence Installation?

Assembled vs. Stick Built Fence: Which is Better for Your Wood Fence Installation?


When it comes to wood fence installation, there are two main options: assembled and stick built fence. Assembled fences are made from pre-built panels that are put together on-site, while stick built fences are built from scratch by piecing together boards and rails on-site. Both have their pros and cons, and the decision ultimately depends on your specific needs and preferences. In this blog post, we’ll go over the differences between assembled and stick built fences and help you decide which option is right for you.


1. Cost and Speed

Assembled fences are quicker and cheaper to install than stick built fences because they require less labor and time. Pre-built panels come in standard sizes and can be easily installed with minimal cutting or customization. On the other hand, stick built fences require more manual labor and customization, making them pricier and slower to install. However, stick built fences allow for more customization options and can be built to fit any terrain or space.

2. Durability and Strength

Stick built fences tend to be more durable and stronger than assembled fences because the panels of the latter are not as secure and tightly assembled. A stick built fence is also able to withstand different damages and stresses better because each board is placed individually and nailed directly to the posts, while pre-built panels are attached together by rails. This makes the stick built fence more secure and able to handle different forces and stresses.

3. Aesthetics

Assembled fences come in different styles and designs, but stick built fences offer more design flexibility. With a stick built fence, you can create custom patterns, curvatures, heights, and other variables that suit your taste and preference. Stick built fences also offer a more authentic appearance because they showcase the natural beauty of wood in its natural state, without any pre-treatment or paint. Assembled fences can mimic the look of wood, but they may not have the same character or appeal.

4. Maintenance

 Both types of fences require some maintenance, but assembled fences require less. The pre-fab panels are often pre-treated and sealed, which can reduce upkeep efforts, while stick built fences are often exposed to moisture, mold, and pests, which can damage them quickly without proper care. At a minimum, wood fences should be recoated every two to three years for proper upkeep. Regardless of the type of fence you choose, make sure to take proper care of it to prolong its lifespan.

5. Climate

Climate is the most important aspect to consider when choosing between assembled and stick built fence. Assembled fences feature pre-built panels that are easy to install, but they might not be suitable for areas with severe weather conditions. For example, high winds can topple over assembled fences or even break the panels, whereas stick built fences with stronger framing can withstand such inclement weather. In this case, stick built fences are a better choice because they are designed and built to fit any specific area or terrain.



Assembled and stick built fences both have their pros and cons, and choosing between the two comes down to your budget, desired aesthetics, and local weather conditions. If you’re looking for a fast, affordable, and easy-to-install fence, an assembled fence may be the best choice. If, however, you want a more custom, durable, and secure fence that enhances your property's aesthetics, a stick built fence is the way to go. No matter what your decision is, make sure to work with an experienced professional to ensure a smooth and successful wood fence installation. If you need help with commercial fencing in Jacksonville, FL, contact Masters Quality Fence today to get your free quote.

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